Influencer Business

Journey of becoming a successful fitness Influencer demands a lot of efforts / inputs. We all know, managing clients & simultaneously creating content, maintaining social profiles, doing collabs is a tough job to do.
But, You can simplify that by just adding small automation to your whole work. Automation will cut down your continues, time taking manual process completely & complete it without human errors. Saves lot of time & money.
just by adding this small thing to your influencer business, you can invest more time in market yourself, building your social profiles, a professional profile for collabs, writing blogs to increase traffic, and more. Which can make your business a structured model, YES! which will work on autopilot mode.
Lets find out how!

build . automate . repeat

What to build ?

Build professional digital presentation of yourself : A Website

Most of the influencers do nit think of it while starting out or stepping foot into influencer business. Now that we all are into digital transformation, website is a first thing which represent us professionally. Influencing is more digital,
only having social media profiles can not make you win the real competition. Social media full fills your need to create & upload content to gain & divert more traffic, but conversion cannot happen there.
  • Building professional landing page helps you to represent professionally.
  • Display your achievements, certificates, work and more.
  • You can describe in detail about offering and packages.
  • Highlights offers for customers.
  • Even write your own blogs.

What to automate ?

Stop asking clients his details weight / height etc. while chatting : Ask them to fill the form

Adding form to your website is not just Save time and energy but also help you look more professional. A form where client can fill data you needed to create their diet plans or workout plans. Data filled through form can be archived for both parties. It make your process fast & simple.

2. Close the communication gap between you & your customers : chat bot

A good & healthy communication is required in business but if method / mode via you are communicating is not professional or unstructured then it can cause mental breakdown & management shatters. Don’t take out your frustration looking at unread 1,000+ DM’s rather think how to communicate & convert 10% of it. make smart decisions. automate chatbot like real human instant replies.

3. Add payment integration.

Don’t you feel sharing UPI id’s & Bank details repeat ably is unnecessary task, and again not looks business professional. Rather adding payment integration to your website adds so much lookout & value to your business. People trust doing online payments. Also both parties have tracking or receipts of payments. Simple thing solves huge problem of management.

4. Email automation.

Everyone loves extra care & attention, and in business its also important to maintain relations. Email automation can fulfill this need. Imagine, your clients receiving confirmation mails, mail notifications for upcoming schedules & program update, which help them to be on track of their fitness journey.

What to repeat?

After hearing this word, no feels good but in this case you will not regret. After completing building & automation part you just have to manage the ongoing process. What is automated. and focus on

1. your marketing 2. content creation 3. building sales funnel