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Corporate branding

Brand Planning Image

Corporate Branding The practice of promoting the brand name of a corporate firm is known as Corporate branding. A corporate brand has a wider scope than a product brand. It defines the company’s products and services. The interaction between a company’s corporate brand and its product/service brands is known as brand architecture. Today’s world is […]

Why LinkedIn is Crucial for Business?

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Why LinkedIn Is Crucial For Business? There are more than 610 million users of LinkedIn worldwide in up to more than 200 countries and territories. Being the most extensive professional network in the world LinkedIn is found to be the ideal platform for delivering our professional content and associations. LinkedIn is the perfect asset for […]

What are the Explainer Videos?

WHAT ARE EXPLAINER VIDEOS? Explainer videos are one of the most popular ways to highlight your business’ products or services to prospective customers. Not only are explainer videos compelling but they are highly effective in informing people about your product or service. Usually, businesses feature explainer videos on their website or use it to advertise […]